• Question: Do you think it's healthier to have a packed lunch or school dinners

    Asked by R2D2 to Andy, Duane, Giovanna, Katie, Theresia on 15 Nov 2014.
    • Photo: Duane Mellor

      Duane Mellor answered on 15 Nov 2014:

      From research I have supervised and read, generally unless packed lunches are carefully planned to include both fruit and veg, school dinners tend to win in the healthiness stakes.

    • Photo: Giovanna Bermano

      Giovanna Bermano answered on 16 Nov 2014:

      It really depends what is the packed lunch….in general terms, school dinners are probably better as they are planned to provide a balanced diet…and enough fruit and veg….and not so much chips!!!!!!

    • Photo: Andrew Philp

      Andrew Philp answered on 17 Nov 2014:

      I think both can be good and both can be bad, just really depends on the choices taken. A packed lunch is great as you have the final decision on what goes in it however then it requires planning/prep time etc. If a school dinner is freshly prepared and balanced (as most are now) then this should provide a great healthy option…
