• Question: how does medicine help you

    Asked by 242bdya43 to Theresia, Katie on 12 Nov 2014.
    • Photo: Theresia Mina

      Theresia Mina answered on 12 Nov 2014:

      I presume you refer to drugs in general?

      That really depends on the types of drugs, from helping the body to fight infection to lowering fever..

    • Photo: Katie Pickering

      Katie Pickering answered on 14 Nov 2014:

      It depends on the type of medication and what it is for. SOme medicines can help fight inflammation and reduce swelling, some, like anti biotics can fight off certain bacterias and prevent them from continuing to grow in the body. Medicines tend to have side effects too so it is very important to take medicine exactly how the packaging or the doctor has prescribed it. We can also be allergic to different medicines and not even know this until we have been given it. SOme allergic reactions include swelling of the face, a rash over the body and face, and in worse cases it can affect your breathing.
