• Question: how many hours of exercise a week would you suggest to do for a fit body? :)

    Asked by mrsgeorgiasugg to Andy, Duane, Giovanna, Katie, Theresia on 11 Nov 2014.
    • Photo: Andrew Philp

      Andrew Philp answered on 11 Nov 2014:

      Great question…

      So the government has a number of guidelines that relate to physical activity and exercise, here’s the link


      However, everyone is slightly different from the next, so these are just guidelines thought to cover the general population. Everyone is slightly different and you also need to take into account your starting fitness levels and the type of diet you routinely have. The key thing is energy balance, so ideally you want your physical activity levels to be in proportion to the number of calories that you eat. If physical activity is low and calorie intake high then you will accumulate body fat and reduce fitness, if activity levels exceed intake then you will reduce body fat and improve fitness. So balance is the key and physical activity levels the main thing. For some people this might be regular organised sports, for others individual running/walking whereas others it might just be increased daily activity, so more walking to and from school/work, less time in front of the television and more time interacting with friends etc. Daily activity can be found anywhere and for free to this is the easiest way to maintain a good balance…

    • Photo: Duane Mellor

      Duane Mellor answered on 11 Nov 2014:

      I agree with Andy that the government guidelines are a good starting point.
      Also, it is not just about sport and exercise, it is about active transport such as cycling and walking, as well as how active we are in our daily lives.

    • Photo: Giovanna Bermano

      Giovanna Bermano answered on 12 Nov 2014:

      Not much more I can add….. A part from some type of exercise regimens that we are testing at the moment with overweight and obese people which aim to achieve similar responses to traditional exercise in only 20 min of time 3 times a week by doing high intensity exercise
