• Question: if you fall over backwards and hit your head hard what efteck it have?

    Asked by paulio to Andy, Duane, Giovanna, Katie, Theresia on 13 Nov 2014.
    • Photo: Theresia Mina

      Theresia Mina answered on 13 Nov 2014:

      Er, certainly not very nice effect.

      This may result in the fracture of the cranium (the skull), and even if it does not, the fall will inflict pain to the brain and as a result people may lose consciousness. If there’s an open injury it may result in blood loss.

    • Photo: Duane Mellor

      Duane Mellor answered on 13 Nov 2014:

      Anything from concussion through to fractures and bleeds as suggested by Theresia

    • Photo: Katie Pickering

      Katie Pickering answered on 14 Nov 2014:

      Yes concussion can occur as well as fracture and bleeding. Concussion is not very nice. It makse you feel quite disorientated, can make you feel dizzy and sick and actually be sick. If you are standing still you can feel like you are moving about and depending on the severity of the bump to the head it can last for weeks or months as the brain may have swollen and can take some time to return to normal. I experience this a lot through sport and have been unlucky enough to have had concussion myslef a couple of times 🙁
