• Question: what is the most unhealthiest food?

    Asked by R2D2 to Andy, Duane, Giovanna, Katie, Theresia on 13 Nov 2014.
    • Photo: Giovanna Bermano

      Giovanna Bermano answered on 13 Nov 2014:

      Everything can be unhealthy if consumed in big quantities and all the time…Food rich in fat, sugars and/or salt can be bad and unhealthy but if consumed in small quantities and occasionally it is ok….and if matched with fruit and veg it is even better!!! Fish and chips with mushy peas is a good example as long as you do not have it every night!!!

    • Photo: Theresia Mina

      Theresia Mina answered on 13 Nov 2014:

      I agree with Giovanna. To give another perspective, there are many ongoing debates on whether being total vegans are good. We all understand that greens and fruits are good so why do people debate about this? This is because individuals with vegetarian diet often do not cover the protein and fat gap they created as a result of taking away meat from the diet, resulting in malnutrition. Good vegans should consider alternative protein source such as tofu and lentils. Take home message: What seemingly healthy can be completely unhealthy if consumed in an unbalanced way 🙂

    • Photo: Duane Mellor

      Duane Mellor answered on 13 Nov 2014:

      Probably best not to think nutrition, but food hygiene. The least healthy would be poorly prepared or undercooked meats which could give you samonella or other diseases.

    • Photo: Andrew Philp

      Andrew Philp answered on 14 Nov 2014:

      Short term – foods that are rotten or no cooked properly so they end up giving you food poisoning.
      Long term – energy dense foods containing high amounts of fats, sugars, salts that over time are going to lead to serious health complications.
