• Question: when it is sunny why do people with blue eyes find it harder to see?

    Asked by bongybing to Andy, Duane, Giovanna, Katie, Theresia on 14 Nov 2014.
    • Photo: Theresia Mina

      Theresia Mina answered on 14 Nov 2014:

      As compared to asian’s iris (black) I think this is because people with blue eyes have less melanin…

    • Photo: Duane Mellor

      Duane Mellor answered on 14 Nov 2014:

      I don’t think so, not sure. It is just as Theresia says about the amount of pigment

    • Photo: Andrew Philp

      Andrew Philp answered on 14 Nov 2014:

      I didn’t know that they did? I have blue eyes so never considered this…? I’m going to google that fact now…..

      Ok, so after a bit of digging this is what i have found out (bongybing you’re making me do work now!!!) however, whether it is true or not is a different story!…. So, apparently, the darker the eyes, the more light is absorbed as light passes through the eye, and the less light is available to reflect within the eye (which might distort vision etc). So in that context, the darker you eyes the better you could cope in sunlight….
